Moving Forward or Staying Put


Knowing and honoring where you come from and what you have been through is different than keeping every single thing you’ve ever owned. One keeps you grounded the other cements you in place.


People Like Their Stuff

So here’s the thing: people like their stuff, no way of getting around that. However, there is a difference between sentimentality and not letting go. 


The former is a gentle reminder of a place or a smell or a moment that takes us back.  It allows us a momentary glimpse into a story we’ve already lived, a lesson we’ve been taught or a person that we love. And that is SUPER OK. We need those.  It’s important to know where you’ve come from and what you’ve come through, it's also just as important for you to be able to show and tell those stories to other people.  Life can be really fucking hard, and sometimes the thing we need the most is that one weird trinket to remind us -- “hey,...

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Purpose and Perfectionism

The idea of purpose - having a meaningful impact that drives you from within - has been discussed for thousands of years. Why do what we do every day? What will it have all meant at the end of our physical lives?

These are big ideas, heady questions, and ultimately, there is not a “right” answer.

But, the need for a sense of purpose (for every human) remains to be crucial to our joy and happiness. This has been evident in research from the Journal of the American Medical Association.

The purpose is the profound "Why?" 

Having it creates a sense of mission to do something worthy. It's your significant "yet-to-do" in life. Purpose integrates who you are with what you do. It inspires us to renew our commitments and stretch further to manifest them, which is why having a sense of purpose in your work is so powerful! 

There are books, courses, and speeches calling us to fulfill our purpose. I am part of that community that is calling you to stand tall and...

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How to Make Changes in Your Life

For a lot of us, 2020 brought big questions about our relationships, our daily lives, and our humanity - what’s working, not working, and the glaring truth of whether our lives have been fulfilling us, or driving us into the ground.


One of the biggest problems I’ve seen so many facing is what to do with this new truth. All this new information about what is wrong around us - the xenophobia, the misogyny, the racism, the classism, ableism, homophobia, religious prejudice, and so many more complex issues our societies are facing finally. 


Not only are these realities glaring us in the face, we are struggling with what to do with all of this information and new awareness so as to contribute to the solution, and not be part of the problem. Those are big ideas and in 2021, we are going to dig into them all as we continue our efforts to boldly become our truest selves, which does not include intolerance of any other human based on their race, ethnicity,...

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Adventures Are Supposed to be Scary

Hey, so uhhh, talking about your VISION, BIG IDEA, and BOLD NEW LIFE...scary as fuck right?? 

You might be having swirling thoughts of:

Who am I?

What am I doing?

What will my family and friends think?

But I’m on the PTA!!

How could I possibly???

I’m too old(or young)!!!

But I just paid off all of this shit!


When you give yourself time to catch a tiny glimpse of what life could really be like do you break out in a cold sweat? Start doing that laugh-cry thing where your loved ones aren't exactly sure how to support you? Maybe everything goes black for a second and you hear a high-pitched ringing sound and then spend the next two days on the couch eating chips and watching tv(or so I’m told)? Did you pee a little?


Look, all of this is super normal(and a good sign that you’re on the right track). It is scary to decide that things need to change. It is scary to admit to yourself that you are growing and that you want a life for yourself that...

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How to Make Changes in Your Life

For a lot of us, 2020 brought big questions about our relationships, our daily lives, and our humanity - what’s working, not working, and the glaring truth of whether our lives have been fulfilling us, or driving us into the ground. 

One of the biggest problems I’ve seen so many facing is what to do with this new truth. All this new information about what is wrong around us - the xenophobia, the misogyny, the racism, the classism, ableism, homophobia, religious prejudice, and so many more complex issues our societies are facing finally. 

Not only are these realities glaring us in the face, we are struggling with what to do with all of this information and new awareness so as to contribute to the solution, and not be part of the problem. Those are big ideas and in 2021, we are going to dig into them all as we continue our efforts to boldly become our truest selves, which does not include intolerance of any other human based on their race, ethnicity, sexual...

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