How to Use Your Vision Board

Vision Boards are visuals that you create that include images and text that conveys the life you want or crave to live. It is the visual representation of the dreams and goals achieved when you are aligned spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.
It’s things and people and experiences and places.

There are many versions of vision boards out there 

Some call them dream boards, future boards, reality boards - lots of variations out there to distinguish the creator of the board from the watered down vision board process we have learned in pop culture. When I was first introduced to Vision Boards in 2004, I was excited and inspired by the room full of women, all in the same direct sales company I had signed up for the year before, and always an optimist, I was looking forward to getting all the things on my vision board that year. And I am incredibly grateful for that experience because I was super young and had never heard of or knew anything about personal development. But the law of attraction and manifestation has been watered down over the last 20 years. 

 What is the purpose of a Vision Board?

The purpose of a vision board is multi-faceted - they serve as motivation and reminders to focus in a specific direction. They are tools to use daily, which is what we are talking about today. And vision boards will serve as a tuning device for your mental filters for all the opportunities available to move toward becoming the person who has that life. This is why I have 5 smaller vision boards through our house, as do my vision board workshop participants. 

 There are two different ways to use your Vision Board:

  1. Display your vision boards throughout your home where you spend the most time and/or on the doors and mirrors that you use regularly. Bathroom mirror, fridge, door out to the garage or your bedroom, by your laptop, etc. Where are you most often? What threshold do you cross through regularly throughout your day? That’s where you want to put your vbs because that is how you continuously fine tune your mental filters throughout the day. That is how you remain open to all the ways your dreams and goals will be realized. Seeing those images, that wording, that life you crave and are pulled toward will help you create it and acquire it because your subconscious and conscious mind are looking for ways to make it happen. All the roads leading to the vision.
  2. But the second way is super powerful. Using your vision board is actually a full sensory experience. You want to use all 5 physical senses.

The more engaged your physical body is in the vision, the stronger your connection is to the experience you are focusing on. Visualization is not about seeing it - it’s about smelling, tasting, hearing, touching AND seeing it in your mind. Closing your eyes or focusing on the image itself….

Final thought on this: 

Visualizing and using this practice is extremely powerful. And it will start working in ways you can’t believe. And you’ll find yourself going - holy hell, how is this happening?! This has been my experience SO many times. And I still get super giddy and excited that I learned how to do this and manifest the life I want and love. Your vision, your dreams are meant to be yours. You have to believe that. And we don’t because we have been conditioned to think about limitations and scarcity in opportunities, we’ve unintentionally adopted the rules, expectations and obligations of the world and it’s systems who were not designing them for us to thrive and bring our magic into the world. But that’s not who you really are. You are limitless. You have so much more power than you realize and your purpose and impact is not meant to be small. But you don’t have to put pressure on yourself to perform - you just have to agree to release these patterns of perfectionism and people pleasing and productivity based self worth to allow the true you to resurface.

 You have to lean into the absolute truth - that is that if you want it, it is meant to be yours. You are meant to move towards that vision. You are supposed to attract and manifest that thing, that experience. With 100% certainty - you have to believe that. And that experience doesn’t feel like hoping and wishing and praying in request of something happening. It’s the gratitude for the acknowledgement that it is going to happen.

Don’t have a vision board?! Join the waitlist to get our next Vision Board Workshop!


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